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Catch up with 2020’s .NET community webinars

Ah, December. A great month! It provides us with some downtime, there are a number of holidays, and it’s the month where I turn 37.

December also brings a chance to look back at the past year, and that’s exactly what we wanted to do in this blog post: look back at our 2020 webinars, and look forward to 2021.

🤔 JetBrains Webinars?

Each month, we try to bring you at least one session where community speakers cover the topics they are passionate about. This year we have seen deep technical .NET content, open source tools, methodology, and some topics around personal development.

Speakers often use our tools or have a link to them in their talks, which we like, but that’s not the main goal of our webinars. We bring .NET topics that are relevant to a broader audience, and we learn from each other.

🎓 .NET topics from 2020

If you want to learn something over the holidays, or keep up-to-date with what people are doing, here’s a handy overview of all of our 2020 webinars:

If I counted correctly, that’s 23 of them! A big thank you to everyone who joined these live, and thank you to our speakers!

🔮 What’s coming in 2021?

For 2021, we plan to keep organizing these webinars, and highlight what people are doing with technology. We just announced the first webinar for January: Xamarin, the best way to make NFC Apps! Also expect a JetBrains .NET Day (or days, talk us out of it!), more webinars, and community highlights!

If you want to see certain speakers or topics, let us know through the comments!

With that, happy holidays and enjoy (re)watching the 2020 webinars! We look forward to seeing you join our 2021 webinars!

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