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.NET Annotated Monthly | December 2022
Did you know? Defects in software are called “bugs” because of an early incident in computing in which Dr. Grace Hopper found an actual moth to be the culprit of mysterious but consistent error messages.
Do you have a fun computing trivia tidbit? Share it with us so we can add it to a future newsletter.

.NET news
- Announcing ML.NET 2.0
- .NET 7 is Available Today
- Announcing ASP.NET Core in .NET 7
- Announcing .NET MAUI for .NET 7 General Availability
- Announcing F# 7
- Welcome to C# 11
- Entity Framework Core 7 (EF7) is available today
- What’s new in Windows Forms in .NET 7.0
- What’s new for WPF in .NET 7
- .NET 7 Performance Improvements in .NET MAUI
- Announcing TypeScript 4.9
Featured content
In February 2022 we wanted to try a new community centered effort. So we started accepting guest authors from the .NET community to choose relevant and timely content about software development. We want to thank all of the guest contributors for sharing their expertise and opinions on .NET throughout the year.
- Layla Porter | February 2022
- Joe Guadagno | March 2022
- Nick Chapsas | April 2022
- Chris Woodruff | May 2022
- Daniel Lawson | June 2022
- Louëlla Creemers | August 2022
- Leomaris Reyes | October 2022
- Dennis Doomen | November 2022
We are delighted to deliver .NET news, tips, tricks and community-driven content to you in the upcoming year, and wish everyone the best for 2023 and beyond!
Programing tutorials and tips
.NET tutorials and tips
- Replicating an Invoice Page UI in .NET MAUI and Handling Images With .NET MAUI Graphics – Leomaris Reyes has all the great content about .NET MAUI, including these two posts on creating invoices and dealing with images.
- How fast is ASP.NET Core? – This is an excellent post in which Dustin Moris Gorski decided to do some benchmarking comparing .NET Core’s performance with that of some popular frameworks out there. Go on, read, and see the results for yourself.
- Source Generated RegEx in .NET 7 – Could source generated RegEx be a better solution? Steve Collins shows us some ways to generate RegEx expressions for use.
- HashSet in C# – It’s back to basics with Code Maze, demonstrating hash sets in C#.
- Local Push Notifications with .NET MAUI, Easy With This Plugin! – Push notifications are a necessary part of modern software. Gerald Versluis shows us how to create them specifically for use in our .NET MAUI apps.
- Creating Invoices from DOCX Templates in C# from Scratch -Working with Word and PDF formats in C# are a common task for .NET developers. Bjoern Meyer covers how to create these docs in his post.
- More Efficient Deletes With Entity Framework Core and Stop Entity Framework Core Performance Issues With Interceptors – Our own Khalid Abuhakmeh has published a few awesome articles on EF.
- Learn how to improve your ASP.NET Core controllers with these principles – Dennis Frühauff outlines a few concepts such as versioning APIs, using more appropriate HTTP return codes,
- .NET 7 SDK built-in container support and Ubuntu Chiseled and Experimenting with .NET 7, WASM, and WASI on Docker – Laurent Kempé has much expertise in working with containers and has published these articles in November with the details.
- Fundamental ASP.Net Minimal API Integration Tests – Integration tests are often overlooked in favor of other types of tests, so catch this post from Peter Ritchie on integration tests in ASP.NET Minimal APIs.
- Minimal API validation with ASP.NET 7.0 Endpoint Filters – Ben Foster has a nice take on validation in minimal APIs.
- Authorization and Authentication in Minimal APIs – Assis Zang demonstrates how to add all things auth into your APIs, minimal style.
- Going Desktop With .NET MAUI – Sam Basu explains what is needed to create apps that target the desktop vs apps that are cross platform or web, how it differs and what to do about it.
- How to deploy .NET APIs on Azure using GitHub actions – GitHub actions allow you to streamline deployments and use CI/CD style features in your deployment process. So Davide Bellone has penned a nice “how to” deploy them.
- Stop using trivial Guard Clauses! Try this instead – Some interesting and good advice by Derek Comartin. Instead of simply adding guard classes as a thing you do because that’s the way you’re supposed to do it, stop and consider those times when your guard classes might be unnecessary, and what to do instead.
- Layered security for DotNet Core APIs – More security by Ted Spence. This time, it’s how to think about securing your apps layer by layer, rather than by thinking in terms of logins and accessible assets only.
- Book: Parallel Programming and Concurrency with C# 10 and .NET 6 – Alvin Ashcraft wrote an entire book on some hefty topics, particularly useful for those working on high traffic websites and apps.
Here’s a nice Twitter thread on some helpful APIs.
Related programming tutorials and tips:
- JavaScript Local Storage: All You Need To Know! – What it says! It’s everything you need to know about local storage. Post by Ifeoma Imoh.
- Callbacks in JavaScript – A staple concept of working with a disconnected HTTP request/response model is callbacks, as detailed here by Nwose Lotanna Victor.
- You can add biometric authentication to your webpage. Here’s how – This is a pretty cool post in which Dan Moore puts a finger on something you don’t see so often: biometrics in a webpage. Go forth and authenticate, web devs.
Shaundai is right! So many problems have been solved during sleep. Sleep is so integral to success that Einstein made a habit of getting a full 10 hours of sleep per night. He was the antithesis of hussle-culture.
Interesting and cool stuff
- Mastodon on your own domain without hosting a server – Are you a <insert any social network here> user but you’ve been considering Mastodon? Great! Then it’s time to get social with Maarten Balliauw’s post on spinning up your own Mastodon instance – no host needed. Bonus: Find your Twitter friends on Mastodon too.
It looks like nature might be doing some of her own programming.
And finally, the latest from JetBrains
Here’s a chance to catch up on JetBrains news that you might have missed:
JetBrains .NET Days + GameDev Day Online 2022 – Session Recordings Available
Check out our .NET Guide! It’s a learning tool with tons of videos, tips, tricks, and info on a variety of .NET related topics.
Blog posts, webinars, etc..
- Webinar – Blazor Best Practices Borrowed From ReactJS
- Wolverine: Your Next Messaging Library – Webinar Recording
- Webinar – Introduction to MongoDB: Zero To Document Hero
- Improved Startup Performance in Rider 2022.3
- C# support in Fleet Public Preview
- Case Study – Why Consistent Profiling Pays Off
- ReSharper and Rider 2022.2.4 Bug-Fix Releases Are Here
- NuGet Central Package Management Comes To JetBrains Rider
Don’t miss this fantastic offer! CODE Magazine is offering a free subscription to JetBrains customers. Get your copy today!
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