Early Access Program

ReSharper C++ Starts the 2022.2 Early Access Program

The new 2022.2 development cycle follows the goals outlined in the roadmap for the first 2022.1 release and all of 2022: our main priorities are addressing quality issues and improving Unreal Engine support. We also never miss a chance to assist you with modern C++, so in this release we are working hard to introduce support for C++20 modules. Let’s go ahead and launch the Early Access Program for the next ReSharper C++ release!
ReSharper C++ 2022.2 EAP

If you’re not familiar with our Early Access Program (EAP), we roll out free-to-use preview builds each week for developers to test with their code. The EAP builds let you try out all the latest improvements, but these builds might be unstable since they are works in progress. You can get the EAP builds via the Toolbox App or download them from our website.


The Early Access Program would not be successful without your valuable feedback. As usual, we rewarded the most active EAPers with free one-year product licenses, which they can use to get a new subscription, extend their current one, or pass it along to a friend or colleague. We love hearing from you, and every issue submitted is highly appreciated!

Let’s take a look at what we’ve included in the first EAP build, aside from bug fixes.

In Unreal Engine projects, the code completion list now includes the Widgets metadata specifiers:

Widgets metadata specifiersGIF

ReSharper C++ now supports the Spec tests from the Unreal Engine automation testing framework. If you have a set of tests defined in the Define method after the DEFINE_SPEC macro or the BEGIN_DEFINE_SPEC/END_DEFINE_SPEC macros, ReSharper C++ will successfully discover them. In the Unit Test Sessions window, you can review the results of the tests and rerun failed, all, or specific tests.
Spec tests from the Unreal Engine automation testing framework

As you may know, ReSharper C++ is the backend of Unreal Engine and C++ support in Rider, so you can give it a try on all three major platforms with the Rider EAP.

We’ve also updated the bundled Clang-Tidy binary to Clang 14, adding new checks from the latest LLVM release:
Clang 14

Here is the full list of fixed issues. Check out the new EAP build and share your feedback with us using our issue tracker or in the comments below.


Your ReSharper C++ team
The Drive to Develop

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